Our Product
youdo is a business to business mobile-first platform that increases employee engagement with ESG. youdo strengthens social bonds in the workplace, rewards engagement through youdo tokens and provides companies with measurable impact. The youdo application contains all the features (groups, calendar, messaging, surveys) needed to build employee engagement and drive adoption of ESG programmes.
youdo can be used across a wide range of CSR & ESG initiatives…
Where you can use youdo…
youdo Tokens
Tokens increase engagement and drive buy-in across different initiatives (whether company or employee-led) with every activity completed in the youdo app earning a youdo token. Companies determine the value of their tokens which can be used to reward individual employees or to support good causes (or both!).
Tokens can become an organisation’s single currency for all CSR & ESG activity, whether a company-wide DE&I initiative, a social committee event or an on-going sustainability programme. youdo tokens can be added together allowing an organisation to make a bigger impact and making reporting internally and externally simple and straightforward.
youdo Connections
Connections show the strengths (and weaknesses!) of communities and relationships within an organisation. Over time, youdo connections show where employee engagement is strong and where it isn’t. So, for example, it’ll show that a Sales team aren’t working well with Marketing, but, Production and Manufacturing are.
A ‘connection’ is created between youdo users when they complete the same activity together. The same activity completed, by 4 youdo users will create 4 connections for those users.
Connections are the ‘community capital’ of youdo. Connection enable youdo users to keep track of who they’ve been interacting with in the youdo app and their connection score is shown next to their youdo token score on the homescreen of the app.
youdo Surveys
youdo’s group chat function supports the use of in-chat polls, enabling companies to respond quickly to employee feedback and provides a digital home for feedback-led initiatives.
Users can use polls to help organise future activities, get feedback on past ones, or just check in with their colleagues.
youdo Chat
Each youdo group has its own Chatboard giving users a secure space in which to build their community. youdo Chat supports:
in-Group messaging
uploading and sharing images
‘like’ messages
launching webex sessions, e.g Zoom, Teams, Google Meets
links to 3rd-party content, e.g YouTube
youdo Reporting
youdo has a simple-to-use reporting suite which allows for analysis and reporting on activity at a granular (e.g. office) level and also company-wide.
The reporting can be used internally and externally to prove the work done across the ESG arena - building reputation to investor groups and employees alike.
youdo Tokens measures impact at all levels across the organisation
youdo Connections show where employee engagement is strong (and where it isn’t!)
youdo Groups
demonstrate the diversity of interests across an organisation
youdo Pricing & Rollout
youdo is a cloud-based software-as-a-service platform, running on Amazon Web Services.
The youdo app is available in the iOS and Android app stores.
Our inhouse onboarding team configures the youdo app according to each client’s requirements.
Implementing youdo can be achieved in a matter of days.
Monthly Pricing
youdo is available via a month-to-month subscription.
There is a Setup and Onboarding fee of £500.
Campaign Management is available as an Add On.
Annual Pricing
The youdo platform licence is an annual subscription with unlimited usage for the duration of the licence.
Includes Setup, Onboarding, Account Management, Reporting & Support.