Fancy a Challenge?

Here at youdo we’re always trying to find great ways to inspire more human connection in the workplace. Several companies we’ve spoken to love the idea of inter-office/company Challenges. Challenges can build a healthy sense of competition between teammates and can also help your team work on their personal goals / New Year’s Resolutions(!).

We’re currently speaking to a London based law company that wants to (re)build their community after a long period of working from home. The senior team are all cycling nuts, and pushed Cycle to Work vouchers to drive physical fitness during lock down, an initiative that had significant take up.

We’re helping them put a ‘Regents Park laps challenge’ into place. Using the youdo platform, rides are set up on 3 (relatively early) mornings a week, with riders invited to ride laps together before work – finishing with a coffee stop before getting into the office.

The platform allows us to provide a weekly league table of laps done on an individual and a department basis. The expectation is that - initially - involvement will be just for the Lycra clad. But as competition grows (and with the introduction of less testosterone rich ‘chat laps’ on Fridays) we expect to sign up ¾ of the office by the end of the Challenge.

As well as the benefits of different teams within the company having fun together (and getting fitter), we’ve set a target of 500 Earth Tokens which will result in a significant donation to the company charity.
If you're interested in running a Challenge with us please get in touch at


How to drive employee engagement with your CSR & ESG initiatives


Episode 6: Company Health Beyond Profit