How to drive employee engagement with your CSR & ESG initiatives
Trying to get employees to engage with CSR or ESG topics is often problematic. It doesn’t matter how many pizza lunches or flat whites/Danish pastries you offer, there’s always something more urgent employees find to do – leaving you with an empty room, large amounts of leftover food and a huge headache to get everyone up to speed after the event.
A worldwide IT organization is using the youdo app to drive engagement with a series of educational lectures on Diversity in the Workplace.
The lectures were announced across the organization with the understanding that for each person attending a youdo token would be earned. For every token earned, 10 trees would be planted in a reforestation project in Africa.
The online based lectures were held over 4 weeks with employees needing to attend 3 separate seminars to complete the course. Using the youdo platform, employees were able to register for the lectures they could attend ahead of time and once attended, earn their tokens. Weekly totals earned were published with commentary confirming which department, office and country were responsible for the greatest number of tokens (and trees). This added a healthy level of competition between teams, a desire to be involved and pride in the company for what they were offering.
The youdo app and process drove strong engagement with a significantly higher numbers of employees attending the lectures than had been seen previously.
Over 1,500 trees were planted as a result of the programme, providing great PR both internally and externally.
The company is now rolling youdo out across the organisation and will use it to build engagement in other wellness, social and educational programmes.
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